
This is a collection of written pieces that comes from things I’ve thought and experienced; occasionally they are illustrated with photos that I’ve taken. They are here because I want people to enjoy them. This is a sort of print performance and as with other kinds of performance it is a meaningless exercise without an audience. So be my audience ...

Monday, 26 April 2010


My apologies if my last blog caused family disruption. I have carried out a check and the behaviour of incontinent drivers from the continent seems to have changed. It is no longer correct to assume that distribution of bottles of pee on left and right sides of the road is roughly equal. On my recent examination I would say that bottles of pee on the right side of the road (that is, where drivers of righthand drive vehicles would throw them) outnumber those on the left by three to one. So, when scoring a bottle on the left verge should get three points and one on the right should get one point. Is that all clear now? Now off you go!

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