The egg is shewn, cupped in my hands,
Pricked and blown and emptied with care.
What is it? Tell me, what kind of bird?
A sparrow? a skylark? a coot? or a thrush?
A blackbird? a starling? - now they're hard to find.
Not a bluetit, nor robin - a chaffinch it is.
No child's palette could capture the colour
No new fountain pen the calligraphy.
Admire and envy my lone chaffinch egg!
Only one to be taken, just one and for me,
And where is the nest? Where? Tell me where!
Tell me and I'll take my one, only one.
No, that secret place I will keep to myself
And you go and search for your own chaffinch nest.
And there take your one, your one only one.
The tythe which you as a child may
And don't break the code of the lovers
of birds.