
This is a collection of written pieces that comes from things I’ve thought and experienced; occasionally they are illustrated with photos that I’ve taken. They are here because I want people to enjoy them. This is a sort of print performance and as with other kinds of performance it is a meaningless exercise without an audience. So be my audience ...

Friday 4 October 2013


Soldiers have always taken 'souvenirs' of their victims. One just has to read through history to see accounts of scalps being taken, ears, noses, even foreskins. In Africa, when countries were striving to gain their independence the fighting was severe and terrible. Mercenaries, mainly white, ran riot for a while. I remember reading that the taking of the scrotum of a victim occasionally occurred; dried it was fitted over the top of the gearstick of mlitary vehicles.  Terrible. Utterly foul. In some wars anything goes - even just for a laugh.

Geoff dropped him.
Nice clean shot.
Straight through the eye.
Never felt a thing.
Not going to waste it,
Are we? Said Geoff
Opening his knife.
He won’t need it now.
Now, when I drive,
Tearing through the gears.
I have the enemy
In the palm of my hand.
Don’t I?

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